Impact of Slow-Release and Organic Fertilizers on Growth, Yield, and CLUSTER Quality of Thompson Seedless Grapevines (H4 Strain) growing in Sandy Soil.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Viticulture Res. Hort Res. Instit. ARC. Giza, Egypt.

2 Citriculture Dep. Res. Hort. Res. Instit. ARC. Giza, Egypt.

3 Central Lab. For Organic Farming, Agricultural Res. Center. Giza.


Starting in 2022, Thompson seedless grapevines (H4 strain) received 50 kg of actual nitrogen per Fed. (about 71.4 g N/ vine) combined from three different sources for two consecutive seasons. Control plants received 100% fast-release nitrogen fertilizer (NH4NO3 33.5% N). Treatment groups received triple combinations of 50% or 25% from NH4NO3, 25% or 37.5% organic N fertilizer (plant compost, 2% N), and 25% or 37.5% from one slow-release N fertilizer, namely urea formaldehyde (UF, 38.37% N), phosphorus-coated urea (PCU, 37.11% N), or Sulphur-coated urea (SCU, 41% N). The target was to select the best ratio and the preferred source of slow-release nitrogen.
Using nitrogen as 25% NH4NO3, 37.5% plant compost, and 37.5% slow-release nitrogen (UF, PCU, or SCU) significantly improved berries’ growth, yield, and physicochemical properties compared with other treatments. The results showed that the best slow-release nitrogen sources were SCU, PCU, and UF. Conversely, an apparent reduction in these traits was in the vines treated with 100% nitrogen as ammonium nitrate.
To enhance the growth, yield, and cluster quality of Thompson Seedless grapevines (H4 strain), it is recommended to utilize a combination of nitrogen fertilizers: 25.0% fast-release (NH4NO3), 37.5% organic (plant compost) and 37.5% slow-release (e.g., SCU).


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