Effect of soil amendment with biochar on Cd, Zn accumulation and growth of faba bean grown in sandy soil

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

2 Department of Soil and water, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


Agricultural soil is one of the most important sources of food contamination with heavy metals. This contamination occurs through contaminated irrigation water or the unwised use of pesticides. Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most dangerous heavy metals that can be found in food chain. This study aimed to investigate the impact of soil amendment with rice husk biochar on the toxicity of Cd on faba bean plants. Three amendment rates of biochar were applied (0.5, 1 and 2%). The concentrations of Cd were 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg/ liter of irrigation water. Data for growth measurments were collected at 60,90 and 112 days of caltivation, while the nutrient analysis and metals uptake were performed only at 112 days of caltivation.  The soil amendment rate of 1% biochar affected the growth of faba bean positivly. The plant hight, number of leaves and flowers were increased by 12.15%, 8.13% and 65.61%, respectively. however the number of branches, pods and chlorophyll content were not changed significantly. Fresh root weight, pod weight, root length, dry weight of shoot and root were not changed significantly except fresh shoot weight was increased by 33.81% compared to control. 1% of biochar increased Zn concentration in root by (5%) on
the other hand Zn concentration in shoot and Cd concentration in shoot and root decreased compare to control as follow respectively (36.6, 53.09 and 46.39). data in sandy soil analysis showed that concentration 2% of biochar increased  Zn concentration (7.65%) and decreased concentration of cadmium (88.31%) compared to control. Overall, this study indicated that the use of rice husk biochar at a high application amandment rate (1% or 2%) was most effective to decrease Cd uptake and translocation in beans.
